Our Club has very few social activities outside of playing golf and socializing after each match.
There are 3 inter club events each year shared with Malverndale Ladies, Malvern Park Ladies and Moorak where a lavish post game lunch is provided.
A free BBQ for members is held after each Monthly Medal competition. Plus more socializing.
A free BBQ for members is also held after events like the Charity Day, where golfers play with frivolous rules to raise money.
Christmas Lunch: The social highlight each year for members. The Club heavily subsidises this event and it attracts the largest attendance of any function on the calendar.
Several day trips to different country golf courses are held throughout the year.
The Club does not insist that members attend all functions. However the Club subsidises the cost of many of the social events and as the Program clearly has something for everyone, attendance at some social functions is expected.